Giant Shifts Reviews

Vallee is perhaps the most qualified industry expert in U.S. oil and gas

Perhaps the most qualified industry expert in U.S. oil and gas, Vallee takes insight from five generations of oil men and years managing multi-million dollar transactions across some of the largest oil fields in the country. An engaging mix of history, anecdote and deeply researched evidence, Giant Shifts connects past performance with the most powerful transformative forces at work in U.S. oil and gas today to reveal a brilliant agenda for 21st century policymakers, investors and business executives wishing to maximize the benefits of the Shale Revolution.

A must read for all executives, investors and politicians creating our future regulatory framework.

Jimmy Vallee has done an exceptional job of capturing and analyzing the tectonic shifts occurring in the Energy industry due to the Shale Revolution in the United States. This book is a must read for all executives, investors and politicians creating our future regulatory framework.

If companies do not adapt to the new realities, they will be uncompetitive

Jimmy’s book “Giant Shifts” really resonated with me. As a Co-founder of a private-equity backed natural gas midstream company, we see many of the Energy industry changes that Jimmy addresses first hand. From an increased percentage of Millennials in the Energy workforce, to the integration of technology and the changing global dynamic of the Energy sector; if companies do not adapt to the new realities, they will be uncompetitive. In “Giant Shifts” Jimmy covers many, if not all, of the major catalysts driving the future of the domestic and worldwide Energy sector and provides commentary as to how energy companies in the new world can adapt to be successful….or go extinct if not.

Jimmy’s book offers jarring insights to all comers

As a former US Army officer & West Point graduate, I do not use this term lightly, but Giant Shifts puts you “in the trenches” and on the front-lines of the U.S Shale Revolution with all its global implications. Jimmy’s book offers jarring insights to all comers, whether you are a Director at Chevron, a newly minted petroleum engineer from MIT, a retiree considering MLP ownership, or an East Asian investor interested in deploying capital into US private markets.

One of the most important books of 2017.

Jimmy Vallee's Giant Shifts: Energy Trends Reshaping America's Future is one of the most important books of 2017. Here's why: While we all subconsciously know that Oil drives economic and political decisions, we take the industry for granted and assume all is well. Until now.

Vallee delivers a startling look at the new realities of American energy: we're suddenly a global oil powerhouse again, next gen tech promises a bright future and the industry is an overnight capital magnet - all exciting Giant Shifts. However, the workforce is aging out with insufficient new entrants to replace them, scalable innovations need financial accelerants, and policy decisions bend to the noise of a vocal few.

Seasoned insider Jimmy Vallee offers a look at the various futures available to America based on energy decisions and investments we make today. Well researched facts and wise opinion anyone in business, government or life needs to know about the Giant Shifts in play and coming soon.

Jimmy Vallee captures the major trends driving the future of the energy industry

In Giant Shifts Jimmy Vallee captures in one place the major trends driving the future of the energy industry-an industry unparalleled in its daily impact on everyday lives. Understanding its future is a must for those inside and outside the industry.

A must read for anyone in the oil and gas industry

This is not your Father's Oilfield. Today's oilfield is higher tech, higher dollar, integrated like never before and full of geopolitical intrigue and risk. Today's oilfield workers come from every corner of the world; they demand challenges, technology, life balance, diversity and an unwavering environmental commitment from their industry and employers. "Giant Shifts" summarizes and weaves these dynamics together to shine a light on where we are going. A must read for anyone in the oil and gas industry and those who wish they were.

Jimmy continues to pioneer the next deal by introducing leading-edge concepts

Vallee sees the entirety of a situation and synthesizes competing interests to an accretive end for all parties. Beyond contracts and negotiations that resulted in over hundreds of millions in financing, Jimmy continues to pioneer the next deal by introducing leading-edge concepts, trends, plays, executives and institutions.

Giant Shifts is a must read for anyone hoping to understand the energy industry

A framework for future leaders in the energy industry, Giant Shifts is a must read for anyone hoping to understand not only where the industry has been but where its untapped potential lies.

There is no better interpreter than key industry figure Jimmy Vallee

There is no better interpreter than key industry figure Jimmy Vallee to illuminate the challenges facing today’s U.S. oil and gas industry and the great opportunity that awaits us if we choose the right path. Vallee’s assembly of expert insight and extensive research generates a compelling road map for navigating U.S. oil and gas into a profitable future. A must read for venture capitalists, politicians, entrepreneurs and other professionals interested in riding the wake of the Shale Revolution.

Giant Shifts Sample Review

Lessons On Reaping the Benefits of Future Big Oil

Jimmy Vallee’s new book, Giant Shifts: Energy Trends Reshaping America’s Future, assembles a detailed and thought-provoking look into the challenges and opportunities facing todays U.S. oil and gas industry. From the surge of technological innovation and generational dynamics to innovative means of capital investment and the rebuilding of American infrastructure, Vallee lays out the various potential futures available to our nation based on the investments and regulatory decisions we make today.

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