Mensa National Conference Features Jay and Maggie Jessup, Platform Strategy Founders

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Jay and Maggie Jessup, founders of the branding & publicity boutique Platform Strategy and authors of Fame 101 (Sutton Hart Press) are slated to address America's brightest at Mensa's 2011 Annual Gathering at the Portland Hilton Conference Center on February 1, 2011.

Mensa conference attendees, with membership requiring a top 2% IQ, will learn how to package, brand, and publicize their professional expertise to become the nationally recognized leading voice of any field using compelling personal branding and celebrity level publicity.

The Jessups' address is based on their book Fame 101 wherein they reveal the promotion, business, and branding models of Rachael Ray, Barack Obama, Suze Orman, Billy Graham, Sarah Palin, America's best-known gardener, and 75 other America's Most-Notables who all follow the same formula for professional success.

The book's premise and the Jessups' message is that the elite one percent of every field are as adept at publicity and personal branding as any Hollywood celebrity or Washington politician. Further, the book advises that any remarkable person can use the same formula to join that elite success level.

"Mensans are a great audience for this message as they are high-potential people who can have a big impact if equipped with the right information and tools," said Platform Strategy's Jay Jessup.

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