News for Norm Pattis

Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

Alex Jones Reaches Out to Justice Dept. About Jan. 6 Interview

- The New York Times
The federal investigation into efforts to overturn the 2020 election appears to be gaining traction, with the Justice Department having brought in a well-regarded new prosecutor to help run the inquiry and a high-profile witness seeking a deal to provide information.
Alex Jones, the host of the conspiracy-driven media outlet Infowars and a key player in the pro-Trump “Stop the Steal” movement, is in discussions with the Justice Department about an agreement to detail his role...

‘Revenge Suicide Hypothesis’ Offered by Lawyer for Estranged Husband of Missing Woman

‘Revenge Suicide Hypothesis’ Offered by Lawyer for Estranged Husband of Missing Woman

The lawyer claimed Jennifer Dulos, who vanished in May, took her own life to prevent her husband from obtaining custody of their five children.

- The New York Times
In late May, Jennifer Dulos dropped off her five children at school in a Connecticut town, then vanished. Less than two weeks later, her estranged husband and his girlfriend were arrested in connection with her disappearance.
Now, as the search for Ms. Dulos, 50, enters its sixth week, a lawyer for her estranged husband is offering an unusual explanation for what happened: she took her own life to prevent him from getting custody of their five children.
The lawyer, Norm Pattis, said...

Alex Jones’s Legal Team Is Said to Have Sent Child Porn in Sandy Hook Hoax Case

Alex Jones’s Legal Team Is Said to Have Sent Child Porn in Sandy Hook Hoax Case

Lawyers for families of victims in the 2012 shooting said the legal team acting for Mr. Jones, the conspiracy theorist, sent them child pornography, adding that they have notified the F.B.I.

- The New York Times
Lawyers representing several families of victims of the 2012 shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School said in court documents that the legal team acting for Alex Jones, the conspiracy theorist and host of the Infowars website, sent them child pornography, which they reported to the F.B.I.
The families have filed a defamation suit against Mr. Jones, who has spread the false claim that the shooting in Newtown, Conn., was an intricate hoax.
In a filing on Monday in a Connecticut court,...

Yale Rape Verdict Shows How ‘Yes Means Yes’ Can Be Murkier in Court

Yale Rape Verdict Shows How ‘Yes Means Yes’ Can Be Murkier in Court

- The New York Times
When a jury in the trial of a Yale college student on rape charges returned a verdict of not guilty on Wednesday, after barely three hours of deliberations, the message seemed clear: Evidence that might warrant punishment from a campus panel was insufficient for a court of law.
At the heart of the trial was the question of whether the complainant could have agreed to have sex with the defendant, Saifullah Khan, 25, on Halloween night in 2015, when the two found themselves in her dorm room...

Yale Student Found Not Guilty in Rape Trial

Yale Student Found Not Guilty in Rape Trial

- The New York Times
A Yale student who had been suspended by the university was found not guilty on Wednesday of sexually assaulting a fellow student, in a rare college rape accusation to be tried in the courts. The verdict laid bare seemingly gaping divides in the national reckoning around sexual consent and assault.
Over several grueling days on the witness stand in a New Haven courtroom, the woman described what she said was her rape by the accused student, Saifullah Khan, 25, on Halloween night 2015. The...

At Yale, Trying Campus Rape in a Court of Law

At Yale, Trying Campus Rape in a Court of Law

- The New York Times
The details of that night in New Haven were not all that different from many others. There was the off-campus party. The alcohol. The attempts the next morning to make sense of the memories that weren’t there, and the used condoms that were.
What was different was what came next: the report to the police. The prosecutors pressing charges. And now, the trial.
When Saifullah Khan, 25, stands trial in New Haven this week, accused of raping a fellow Yale student on Halloween of...

Gateway Pundit Writer Will Not Face Charge in UConn Scuffle

Gateway Pundit Writer Will Not Face Charge in UConn Scuffle

- The New York Times
Prosecutors have dropped the breach of peace charge against Lucian Wintrich, the conservative pundit who grabbed a woman after she took papers from his podium during an appearance last month at the University of Connecticut, his lawyer said on Monday.
“The state realizes that my client was in fact the victim of a theft,” Norm Pattis, who represents Mr. Wintrich, said in a phone interview.
Mr. Wintrich, who writes for The Gateway Pundit, was arrested on Nov. 28 after...

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