News for Norm Pattis

U.S. Supreme Court denies appeal by Alex Jones in Sandy Hook defamation case

U.S. Supreme Court denies appeal by Alex Jones in Sandy Hook defamation case

- The Wilton Bulletin
The U.S. Supreme Court denied an appeal by extremist Alex Jones to revisit sanctions the Infowars host received in Connecticut trial court, where he is being sued for defamation by an FBI agent and six families who lost loved ones in the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre.
“Obviously, this is a disappointment,” said Jones’ lawyer, Norm Pattis, who argued that sanctions Jones received in 2019 after his “blood on the streets” rant against an attorney representing the...

Alex Jones argues 'blood on the streets' rant against attorney of Newtown families was protected free speech

Alex Jones argues 'blood on the streets' rant against attorney of Newtown families was protected free speech

- News Times
Extremist Alex Jones has appealed to the U.S. Supreme Court, arguing that his “blood on the streets” rant against an attorney representing families who lost loved ones in the Sandy Hook shooting was protected free speech.
Norm Pattis, the high-profile New Haven attorney, calls the sanction Jones received in trial court after his 2019 rant an “unprecedented attack on freedom of speech” and a “direct, frontal assault on the First Amendment itself” because...

Sutton Hart Press on Vinnie Penn Project

High Court's Next Hate Speech Case May Come From Conn.

High Court's Next Hate Speech Case May Come From Conn.

- Law360 Pulse
Norm Pattis, an outspoken Connecticut attorney, is appealing three state Supreme court decisions on threatening speech in the U.S. Supreme Court, setting the stage for the possibility that the next hate free speech case will come from Connecticut.
Over the past year, Connecticut’s top court has issued a trio of decisions involving fighting words and threats of violence that Pattis believes are ripe for high court review. Pattis said that in the next five years he would like to bring...

Federal Prosecutors Take Aim At Free Speech

Federal Prosecutors Take Aim At Free Speech

- Your Content
Jumpin’ Jiminy, Holy Moly, and WTF: Federal prosecutors in the Eastern District of New York have either lost their minds, or never had minds to being with. They are prosecuting a social media influencer for the snake oil he tweeted in the 2016 election.
It goes something like this:
In 2016, Douglass Mackey, a.k.a. Ricky Vaughn, of West Palm Beach, Florida, ran a social media site that encouraged voters to cast their ballot via text message.
The post included the...

Ashli Babbit, American Veteran, Shot in the Neck During Chaos at Capitol, Left for Dead in Public Building

Ashli Babbit, American Veteran, Shot in the Neck During Chaos at Capitol, Left for Dead in Public Building

- Your Content
An unarmed American veteran was gunned down and left for dead amid tense altercations at the United States Capitol Wednesday evening, and Your Content has learned the victim is Ashli Babbit, a 14-year U.S. Air Force Veteran.
The woman is Ashli Babbit, a 14-year veteran, who served four tours with the US Air Force, and was a high level security official throughout her time in service.
“Here’s the takeaway: Burn Kenosha and torch our major cities. But a white woman dies?...

Biden Calls on President Trump to ‘Get On National TV Now’ and Tell Protesters to Stand Down

Biden Calls on President Trump to ‘Get On National TV Now’ and Tell Protesters to Stand Down

- Your Content
Joe Biden called on President Trump get in national television and ask individuals surrounding Capitol Hill to stand down and go home, Your Content has learned.
“Is this the same Joe Biden that lacked the balls to ask BLM and antics not to burn cities this summer?” Connecticut-based controversial constitutional rights attorney Norm Pattis told Your Content.
“You reap what you do, Joe.”

Hartford police sergeant sues city and chief over alleged harassment by a ‘favorite’ officer in department

Hartford police sergeant sues city and chief over alleged harassment by a ‘favorite’ officer in department

- Hartford Courant
A Hartford police sergeant is suing the city and top police officials, claiming they are protecting a favorite patrol officer who has been harassing him with negative comments and wolf whistles.
Sgt. John Zweibelson, a patrol shift supervisor, complained in October 2019 after, while listening to police radio channels, he overheard a subordinate officer disparaging him to a dispatcher, calling Zweibelson “a tool” and a “total absolute tool box,” according to the...

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