Exclusive: One-on-one interview with Fotis Dulos attorney, Norm Pattis one year after Jennifer's disappearance

Pattis sat down with FOX61's Ben Goldman and discussed representing Fotis as well as other high profile clients like Alex Jones.

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Attorney Norm Pattis broke his silence as the one year anniversary of Jennifer Dulos’ disappearance approaches. Jennifer went missing on May 24, 2019. 

Pattis defended Fotis Dulos and the contentious criminal case surrounding him which resulted in Dulos taking his own life in January.

Pattis opened up about representing other high profile clients, such as Infowars Host, Alex Jones. He gave insight into what the last 12 months have been like for him representing Dulos and going through the tumultuous case in the middle of the media frenzy surrounding it.

Pattis spoke to FOX61’s Ben Goldman about his unorthodox way of handling the media and the courtroom stage and the troubles he experienced as a child which result in him attending psychoanalysis four times a week in an effort to figure out why he is attracted to such heinous criminal cases.

Pattis began to represent Fotis in June of 2019. FOX61 was first to interview Pattis as left Bradley Airport that evening. 

Jennifer's disappearance sparked a long, intense investigation that continues to this day. The investigation offered up question after question into what may have happened to Jennifer, and if any foul play was involved.

The investigation eventually led to Jennifer’s estranged husband, Fotis. Also suspected of having something to do with Jennifer’s disappearance were Michelle Troconis, Fotis’ girlfriend at the time, and friend Kent Mawhinney.

The three were arrested in early January on charges related to Jennifer’s disappearance. Fotis was charged with murder.

Three weeks later, Fotis was found unresponsive while his car was running inside his garage. Two days later, he was pronounced dead.

A statement was released on behalf of Jennifer's friends and family on Friday: 

We miss Jennifer beyond words. The ache of her absence doesn’t go away. Countless questions remain unanswered. The brutality and inhumanity of her death and disappearance continue to haunt us, without subsiding.

But the earth keeps spinning, and somehow an entire year has elapsed. We can see it, and measure it, in the growth of her children, who are taller, stronger, wiser, and more like their mom every day. And we continue to see and sense her in their expressions, their gestures, their laughter, their hugs.

It is a testament to her deeply loving influence as a parent that Jennifer’s children are healthy and well. They are safe and surrounded by love and support. Gloria, their grandmother, and guardian, is also healthy and well, for which we are so grateful during this precarious time.

In the past several months, the focus of the media has turned, as it should, to the life-threatening illness that has engulfed the globe. We know Jennifer has not been forgotten. The investigation into her death and disappearance is active and ongoing, and we remain extremely grateful to the Connecticut State Police and New Canaan Police for their commitment to Jennifer’s case. Two people have been arrested for conspiracy to murder and have yet to stand trial. That day will come.

The calls for Justice for Jennifer are powerful and moving. We urge that their scope be extended to all victims of intimate partner violence, many of whose stories are never told and who are now even more at risk. Some community-based groups are organizing Candles for Jennifer on Sunday, May 24. Please support them—in Jennifer’s honor, and in honor of all those who have died by intimate partner violence.

Likewise, for any who can afford to do so, we encourage donations to a local women’s shelter, family shelter, or food bank. These vital organizations are struggling during the pandemic, at a time when their services are more crucial than ever.

Jennifer was a very private person; she would never have wanted the details of her life to be made public. When you read about her case, we ask that you keep that in mind. She was gentle, kind, brilliant, and courageous, and we still cannot believe she is gone.

Related topics: Fotis Dulos

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