Rudy Giuliani Sued for $262K by Ex-Wife: What We Know

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newsweek_2022-08-03.pdf (unavailable)

Rudy Giuliani's ex-wife has said he could face jail time if he doesn't pay her more than a quarter of a million dollars due under their divorce settlement.

Judith Giuliani is suing the former New York City mayor for $262,000. In a lawsuit filed on Tuesday in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, she also claimed that a check written by her ex-husband for $10,000 bounced "due to insufficient fund."

She has also claimed that Donald Trump's former attorney owes her $140,000 for expenses related to their Florida condo, as well as payments for their housekeeper at the residence.

Lawyers representing Judith Giuliani said that he is in contempt of court for allegedly skipping out on the payment.

"Your failure to appear in court may result in immediate arrest or imprisonment for contempt of court," the papers say, per Page Six.

In 2018, Judith Giuliani filed for divorce from the former New York mayor, after 15 years of marriage. Their divorce proceedings have been fraught ever since, with Judith telling a judge that her ex spent thousands of dollars a month on cigars.

Judith's attorney, Dror Bikel, said in a statement to Page Six that the terms of their divorce settlement were agreed upon privately.

"She reached out to him without the lawyers and they met privately ... Judith wanted to do it on her own. She met with Rudy, he wrote the terms on a napkin," he said. "The next day, they were in court settling."

Newsweek has attempted to contact Rudy Giuliani's representatives for comment.

This latest battle follows a string of legal issues for Giuliani, who previously served as Trump's personal attorney.

The former mayor went viral this summer when was slapped on the back while out campaigning for his son, Andrew Giuliani, in a supermarket on Staten Island.

Giuliani described the slap as feeling like somebody had shot him, before he was blasted by the Legal Aid Society who accused him of overplaying the incident and law enforcement officials of overreacting.

The nonprofit law firm said Giuliani sustained "nothing remotely resembling physical injuries" and that Gill "merely patted" him during the altercation to get his attention.

"Given Mr. Giuliani's obsession with seeing his name in the press and his demonstrated propensity to distort the truth, we are happy to correct the record on exactly what occurred over the weekend on Staten Island," the statement from the Legal Aid Society said.

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